All groups in the Music Program at Berowra Public School are self funded by the participants. They are administered by parent volunteers from the P&C, with professional conductors hired to lead the groups. The Music Program is non-profit, with every effort made to keep fees as low as possible.
A typical financial commitment would be:
Band fees - covers the cost of conductors and the groups attending festivals. This is invoiced by Key Music Australia directly.
Private music lessons- see Music Lessons (Not applicable for Recorder groups)
Instrument hire - should you choose to hire through BPS
Purchase of own music stand
Music Camp fees (if applicable)
Creative Kids
Both Key Music Australia and the P&C Music Committee are registered providers for the Creative Kids voucher. See the Service NSW website for more information on how to apply for the vouchers.
To submit your Creative Kids voucher to the P&C Music Committee, click here.
To submit your Creative Kids voucher to Key Music Australia, click here.
Schedule of fees
Band Fees and any group or private lessons organised through Key Music Australia are invoiced by them directly. Further information on fees see https://www.myschoolband.com.au/bps-band-fees/.
Music tutor lessons organised privately are invoiced by the tutor directly
All other fees are invoiced by the BPS P&C Music Committee