Training Band

Getting started

The Training Band is aimed at students in Years 3 & 4 with no musical experience and is an ideal introduction to learning a musical instrument. The band is open to any students who will be in Years 3 – 6 in 2025. Whilst most new enrolments are current Year 2 students looking to join Training Band in 2025, it is possible for students in older years to join as well.

The Term 1 start date is usually between weeks 5 and 7, or sometimes start of Term 2, to be confirmed by Key Music Australia. We delay the official start to wait for new students to have a few lessons before coming together as a group. The Training Band is predominantly for Year 3 students, however it is open to students from Years 3 to 6 who have no or minimal prior music experience. Children are required to have weekly instrumental lessons with an experienced instrumental tutor as well as attend weekly rehearsals (see Music Lessons). 

Our bands are made up of a variety of instruments, generally limited to: 

You can purchase your own or hire from us. Click here to find out more.

 The Training Band is managed on behalf of the BPS P&C by Key Music Australia

After completing one year in the Training Band, students will move up to the Performance Band.

Can we choose our child’s instrument?

Yes, however we need to ensure the band has a balance of instruments. The Conductor will also assess whether a particular instrument is suitable for your child based on a variety of factors including:

How do I enrol in Training Band?


Once registered:

Welcome to Band

Hear from some of our 2020 students and what they like about band and their instruments!