Training Band

Getting started

The Training Band is aimed at students in Years 3 & 4 with no musical experience and is an ideal introduction to learning a musical instrument.

Rehearsals are once a week on Wednesday morning 8-9am in the school hall. The Term 1 start date is usually between weeks 5 and 7 to be confirmed by Key Music Australia to wait for new students to have a few lessons before coming together as a group. The Training Band is predominantly for Year 3 students, however it is open to students from Years 3 to 6 who have no or minimal prior music experience. Children are required to have weekly instrumental lessons with an experienced instrumental tutor (see Music Lessons). 

Our bands are made up of a variety of instruments, generally limited to: 

You can purchase your own or hire from us. Click here to find out more.

 The Training Band is managed on behalf of the BPS P&C by Key Music Australia

Click here to download the parent information handout for Training Band 

Can we choose our child’s instrument?

Yes, however we need to ensure the band has a balance of instruments. The Conductor will also assess whether a particular instrument is suitable for your child based on a variety of factors including:

How do I register for Band?

To register:

Once registered:

Welcome to Band

Hear from some of our 2020 students and what they like about band and their instruments!